
Drupal 8 Views - Where did the Render Content field go?

It was only as I started writing up this blog post to help anyone else that might be stymied by this issue, that I noticed the "Force using fields" already existed in Drupal 7. So maybe I am the only person who stumbled across this wacky variant that requires an extra module.

But I decided to share this post, just in case.

Drupal 8: Getting the node/add page to list content types alphabetically

Drupal, much like PHP itself, is rife with the internal inconsistencies that come from people solving similar problems in slightly different ways. These inconsistencies aren't always at the level of a "bug" or a "regression", but sometimes you wish you could change it. This is one of those times.

Using the Drupal 8 Contrib Tracker

The D8 Contrib Tracker is meta-project on that is designed to serve as a collective tracking system for the porting status of contributed modules. This set-up works great for Drupal's development community, but what about those of us who don't live and breathe the issue queue and only want to know about the handful of modules that are important to them? Happily there is an easier way, using some often-overlooked features of

DrupalCampers, what do you want in an after-party?

As a volunteer organizer for this year's MidCamp (Chicago, March 19-21), I'm taking on the task of coordinating the after-party (possibly -parties). In addition to figuring out the logistics (venue, catering, marketing), I'm reaching out to the community to find out if there are any activities that attendees would like to have available during this time.

Guiding Principle

The MidCamp after-party will be a welcoming, inclusive event where attendees can socialize and have fun.

Board Gaming at BADcamp

While having lunch with both old and new friends on Saturday, the discussion turned to board games and a few of us decided to hold an impromptu game night, to be hosted where I was staying (an AirBnB location with plenty of space). adellefrank went out and purchased a few board games for us to play, and we had so much fun playing Pandemic that we decided to play it on Sunday night as well!

What I've been telling clients about Drupa(l)geddon

Since Drupal is a community project, the code is always being fixed, updated, and changed. In the past few months there have been a number of major security holes that have been fixed -- but part of the process of fixing vulnerabilities in open-source code is communicating what the holes are, how they might be exploited, and how to prevent writing code that contains those holes in the future. So it becomes a double-edged sword -- the issue is fixed, but hackers can take the information and exploit sites that haven't been updated yet.

Using Taxonomy Menu and Entity Reference Prepopulate to create an easy & awesome content admin UX in Drupal

Backstory: Part of a site I'm currently building is set up so that approved users (aka content submitters) can submit resources. Another category of users, content administrators, will need to be able to define the different types of resources (ie. download, YouTube link, PDF file). Neither user group needs to know or care that we're using a single Resource content type to manage these items; the goal is for content submitters to "Post a YouTube link", instead of going to "Create Resource" and selecting the taxonomy term for a YouTube link.
